Riverside Path Widening

Derby City Council have submitted a planning application to widen the existing Riverside path between Bass recreation ground and Alvaston Park to 5 metres. For full details visit https://eplanning.derby.gov.uk/online-applications/ and search for planning number 19/00046/FUL

Why we cycle: Christine Selden

Christine is the first woman in our new ‘Why we cycle’ series for our International Women’s Day campaign. Where are you based? Chaddesden What do you do? Mum of 2 school aged children, Administrator at University of Derby, Breeze champion, Sustrans volunteer, voluntary English teacher and volunteer at Derby Museums. How long have you cycled… Continue reading Why we cycle: Christine Selden

East Midlands Cycle Forum

The latest meeting of the East Midlands Cycle Forum was held in Derby on the 22nd June 2019 and was well attended with approx 50 people from across the Midlands including representatives from Cambridge, Sheffield, Nottingham, Bolsover, Chesterfield, Lincoln, Leicester and elsewhere. The keynote speech from Phil Jones, chairman of Phil Jones & Associates, was… Continue reading East Midlands Cycle Forum

Derby cycling Group 2019 AGM – minutes

The 2019 DCG AGM was held on Tuesday 21st May at the Friends Meeting House, Derby. The AGM was open to all DCG members. Minutes from the meeting are on the following link: As part of the meeting awards for Inspiring Cycling in Derby were presented. Details can be found here.

Write Again to defra: fRiar gate cycle lane removal

Derby Cycling Group have again written to DEFRA objecting to the removal of the cycle lane, shown here, on Friar Gate. We also object to the suppression of the amount of support for cycle transport which is expressed within the Clean Air Strategy consultation process, and we rebuff DEFRA’s excuses for why removing the cycle… Continue reading Write Again to defra: fRiar gate cycle lane removal