Write Again to defra: fRiar gate cycle lane removal

Derby Cycling Group have again written to DEFRA objecting to the removal of the cycle lane, shown here, on Friar Gate. We also object to the suppression of the amount of support for cycle transport which is expressed within the Clean Air Strategy consultation process, and we rebuff DEFRA’s excuses for why removing the cycle… Continue reading Write Again to defra: fRiar gate cycle lane removal

Friar Gate Cycle Lanes are Misrepresented by City CounciL

Object again to the removal of Friar Gate cycle lane as part of Derby’s Clean Air Strategy. Write again to DEFRA  defra.helpline@defra.gsi.gov.uk   (FAO Therese Coffey MP) Copy the minister responsible for Air Quality: therese.coffey.mp@parliament.uk MPs can only respond to their own constituents, but they will be aware of other correspondence as well. The Full Business… Continue reading Friar Gate Cycle Lanes are Misrepresented by City CounciL

Friar Gate Cycle Lanes are Misrepresented by DEFRA

OBJECT again to the removal of the Friar Gate cycle lane as part of Derby’s Clean Air Strategy. Write to DEFRA  defra.helpline@defra.gsi.gov.uk   (For Attention Of Therese Coffey MP) Copy the minister responsible for Air Quality: therese.coffey.mp@parliament.uk MPs can only respond to their own constituents, but they will be aware of other correspondence as well.… Continue reading Friar Gate Cycle Lanes are Misrepresented by DEFRA

Write to Michael Gove and Therese Coffey to urge that Friar Gate cycle lanes are retained.

Friar Gate Cycle Lanes – Write to Michael Gove & Therese Coffey Derby City Council have submitted their outline business case for their clean air strategy to the Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) – and it still includes the removal of cycle lanes on Friar Gate as part of the plan. DEFRA… Continue reading Write to Michael Gove and Therese Coffey to urge that Friar Gate cycle lanes are retained.

Derby Clean Air Proposals – Where is the Cycling and Walking?

Derby’s Clean Air Preferred Option was out for consultation until today. The proposal failed entirely to provide any new infrastructure for cycling which, by enabling more people to cycle, would have helped reduce car travel and improved air quality. But it went further than that. It proposes that two pieces of cycle-specific infrastructure be removed: a permissive… Continue reading Derby Clean Air Proposals – Where is the Cycling and Walking?

A38 Derby Junctions – Consultation: Ask for Better Cycle Routes

Highways England have a project to create “grade separated” junctions at the Kingsway, Markeaton and Little Eaton Islands on the A38.  That means the local roads will be at ground level, but the A38 carriageway will be either above or below the local roads, on a bridge or in an underpass. DCG have been campaigning… Continue reading A38 Derby Junctions – Consultation: Ask for Better Cycle Routes

St Peters Street and Cornmarket – Cycle Access 5pm to 10am

At Derby Cycling Group we have argued for many years that banning responsible cycling in the city centre suppresses the number of everyday journeys made by bike in Derby, because the north/south route through the city centre is the most direct one to get many people from where they live to where they work, and… Continue reading St Peters Street and Cornmarket – Cycle Access 5pm to 10am

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