A city where everyone wants to cycle and everyone can
We campaign for a cohesive cycle network in and around Derby and champion cycling to create an environment where it is safe, normal, convenient and fun.
Latest News
- Lime Lane Breadsall planning applicationThere has been a long standing plan to build an estate of 150 houses on the edge of Breadsall alongside Lime Lane. You are encouraged to add your comments before the deadline of 2nd Sept.
- Deforestation DerbyRegular users of the Nation Cycle Network route 54 cycleway between Pektron Island (Alfreton Road) and Little Eaton Island on the A38 will be thoroughly relieved with recent maintenance works. The shared-use path runs alongside the fast and busy road and is the principal active travel link between Derby and Little Eaton. In some places,… Continue reading Deforestation Derby
- Riverside Path upgrade now completeVery pleased to see that the last section of the Riverside path upgrade has now been tarmacked.
An excellent job done by Derby City Council, their contractors and Sustrans.
The route was popular before but will be even more so now.
More Information
Current Campaigns
East Midlands Combined Authority
The Mayoral elections are now complete and we have hopes that the new Mayor will provide more focus on cycling.
We’re working with other bodies within the Active Travel Alliance to influence the Mayor.
Allestree Park Rewilding
The rewilding plans for Allestree Park have the opportunity to make the Park a significant destination for tourists from the local and wider area.
A successful project needs to provide cycle routes to reach the Park from all directions (connected to the wider network) as well as cycling provision within the Park.
We’re discussing the issues and possible solutions with Derby City and Derbyshire County Councils as well as other key stakeholders and influencers.
Duffield Road Bus Lane
Derby City have proposals to re-introduce a bus lane on Duffield Road and are keen to receive feedback on the plans and suggestions for improvement.
Our conclusion is that the current plans are not positive for cyclists and thus do not support the proposals as they stand.
Derwent Valley Cycleway
While the Derwent Valley Trust is leading on the creation of the Derwent Valley Cycleway running along the length of the River Derwent, Derby Cycling Group is very supportive of the plans.
The route is to be created in sections with the section between Darley Abbey and the A38 the subject of planning applications.
Duffield Road cycle lane and car parking
Anyone attempting to use the on road cycle lane northbound on Duffield Road outside St. Benedict’s school in Darley Abbey will struggle to do so during the afternoon as numerous cars park up (on the double yellow lines!) and wait to collect and drive home their children.
Derby Cycling Group continues to press the Council for some action to ensure that the cycle lane is usable at school closing time.
Mickleover missing Toucan crossing
As part of the development of the new estate off Onslow Road in Mickleover, promises were made to add a new Toucan crossing for Station Road.
We’re pleased to see good progress on the cycle route through the estate which will replace the on road route along Onslow Road and part of Station Road.
However, the Toucan crossing has yet to appear
Got an idea for a campaign?
Recent Campaigns
Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)
The Government has asked each Council across the country to create a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) which shows what the Council wish to achieve relating to Active Travel for the next 15 years.
Derby Cycling Group have been involved in the creation of the draft LCWIP over the last 4 years although not to the extent we would like. A public consultation on the final plan is now live (ends on 8th March) and we’ve submitted a response on behalf of the Group and our members.
Belper Active Travel Masterplan
Derbyshire County Council are developing a masterplan for active travel in Belper (and Ilkeston and Glossop).
We have collected suggestions from interested members and submitted a list of ideas for consideration.
The draft plan has now been published and public feedback is requested by the Council.
A38 Junctions
The planned work to replace the A38 roundabouts with flyovers will cause massive congestion for the 3 years of development. We’ve been talking with National Highways and others about how to ensure good quality cycle facilities in the finished project and also how best to encourage people to cycle during the years of traffic congestion.
The project has now overcome some legal challenges and we expect it to restart shortly
Active Travel Map
During 2020, Cycle Derby worked on developing a new version of the Active Travel map and collected input from various sources including Members of Derby Cycling Group.
The collected information has been used by Derby Cycling Group to create and maintain an online version of the printed map (different in some aspects).
Derby Road, Spondon plans
The City Council have published plans for the area around Asda in Spondon and the Acorn Way roundabout.
DCG have submitted feedback on the proposals to the Council and have engaged with the key Council officers to discuss in more detail.
The Council have responded to our suggestions and have taken some of the ideas on board.
Riverside Path
After many years of discussions with Derby City Council by ourselves and other organisations we’re very pleased to see the upgrades to the Riverside Path recently completed.
Excellent news! Well done Derby City Council and Sustrans.
Get Involved
Sign up for free membership and add your voice to our campaigning.
As a voluntary group, we’re always grateful for donations to support what we do.
Find out more about our wide range of campaigns across the city.
Useful Information
Our Team
We are run by a team of friendly volunteers and are always looking for more people to get involved…
Contact one of the team with specific responsibilities as listed below. If unclear who is the best person then send email to info@derbycyclinggroup.org.uk
James Bailey
James has lived in Derby for over 15 years and he’s dabbled in all sorts of cycling from mountain biking to touring and utility cycling to cyclo cross racing.
He is a civil engineer and works in railway track design but likes to apply his alignment design knowledge to cycleway design.
Jean Baird
Committee & Newsletter
Martin Aldred
Committee Member, Projects, Station & Flood Works
Ian Dent
Committee & Webmaster
Ian is a regular cyclist and long term member of the DCG, and actively involved since about 2009.
Over the years Ian has acted as membership secretary, treasurer, newsletter editor and webmaster.
Ian is also involved locally with the Sustrans Rangers, the Derwent Valley Cycleway project and Cycling UK (CTC).