Riverside Path Widening

Derby City Council have submitted a planning application to widen the existing Riverside path between Bass recreation ground and Alvaston Park to 5 metres.

For full details visit https://eplanning.derby.gov.uk/online-applications/ and search for planning number 19/00046/FUL


  1. Ok but please don’t make it one half cyclists one half pedestrians as nobody sticks to it and it’ll create accidents

  2. Fantastic idea it can get over crowded at times with walkers joggers and cycling. There are also a few bad spots that need attention. Like under the bridge at the roundhouse college railway bridge is a very dangerous drop out of path. Be great to see it all wider

  3. The money would be far better spent providing facilities in other parts of Derby, particularly providing branches from the path to other districts; one to the Royal hospital for instance.
    My experience on the widened Alvaston stretch is that pedestrians spread out more and cyclists go faster. It does not solve bad behaviour.
    A secure bike park at the bus station is needed.

  4. I cycle this route regularly and in my opinion there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, with consideration for other there is never any problems, the money would be better spent maintaining the path further along towards elvaston where the river flooding washed the top surface away and left it very loose and rough.

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