As part of the response to supporting the growth in cycling and walking during the early days of the pandemic, Derby City Council applied to the Dept for Transport (DfT) and were awarded funds for various works around the city. One of these works was restricting the legal users of Corporation Street (in front of… Continue reading COVID Emergency restrictions on motor traffic in Corporation Street now enforced (from Nov 2021)
Author: Ian Dent
Darley Abbey COVID emergency scheme survives but is downgraded
During the first phase of the COVID emergency, Councils across the country were encouraged to put schemes in place to help with encouraging more walking and cycling. Derby City were awarded funds to implement various schemes including one in Darley Abbey where the junction between Church Lane and Duffield Road was made one way except… Continue reading Darley Abbey COVID emergency scheme survives but is downgraded
Derby City Active Travel Grants
Organisations across the city can apply for a grant of up to £15,000 for infrastructure to enable cycling and walking including showers, lockers, bike shelters and pool bikes. Cycle training, maintenance sessions and personal travel plans are all available to support employees and employers, and events can be scheduled within organisations to encourage active commutes… Continue reading Derby City Active Travel Grants
Chequers Road cycle path now complete
The new cycle path linking Pentagon Island to the new cycle and pedestrian bridge over the A52 near the Wyvern Centre has now been completed. This has been constructed on what was a grass verge between Chequers Road and the A52 and allows cyclists to avoid cycling on Chequers Road which, whilst generally quiet, can… Continue reading Chequers Road cycle path now complete
Cycle Derbyshire 2021 edition cycle map available- FREE!
The popular map of cycle routes throughout Derbyshire has been completely redrawn and is now available for the public to pick up and to get out exploring. The maps can be collected for free from any of the leaflet stands managed by Derby Arts. These can be found in various public places, pubs, etc.. In… Continue reading Cycle Derbyshire 2021 edition cycle map available- FREE!
National Cycle Route 54 by Derby Silk Mill reopens
After a very long closure (2+ years) the riverside route linking the path under St Mary’s Bridge to Cathedral Green has now been reopened. Purely by chance, I think I was the first cyclist to attempt to follow the route. But stopping to take a photo means someone else overtook me and they were first… Continue reading National Cycle Route 54 by Derby Silk Mill reopens
Cycle Derby Active Travel Map available
The very popular and much awaited latest version of the Active Travel map for Derby is now available (currently just electronically – the paper version will follow). This is the first update since 2011 so shows lots of new routes around Derby for readers to go and try out. Thanks to all those who provided… Continue reading Cycle Derby Active Travel Map available
Bicycle Theft in Derby
The police provide data on crime and the information has been analysed to explore Bicycle Theft within Derby City. There seem to be a small number of hotspots for bicycle crime in the city centre and these have remained fairly consistent over the last 3 years. A small minority of bicycle crime results in the… Continue reading Bicycle Theft in Derby
Derbyshire Council Plans – have your say
Derbyshire County Council have produced a plan of how they’ll work and what they’ll focus on over the next 4 years (to 2025). Disappointingly, there is no mention of a focus on delivering a widely spread, high quality cycle network. In fact, despite a lot of detail on road schemes that are planned, there is… Continue reading Derbyshire Council Plans – have your say
Derwent Valley Cycleway reaches landmark
The project to build a riverside multi-user path between Haslams Lane in Darley Abbey to Ford Lane in Allestree has now reached the important milestone of applying for planning permission. This project is being delivered by Highways England as part of their “Designated Funds” support for local community projects across the country after a successful… Continue reading Derwent Valley Cycleway reaches landmark