If you are (or know of) an organisation in Derby that could make use of free bike stands then get your application in quickly as a few are available. The stands and delivery are free but the organisation needs to pay for installation. See the this site for full details. The offer is open to… Continue reading Free bike stands available to organisations in Derby – be quick!
Category: Uncategorized
Strava Club
A “club” for Derby Cycling Group has been set up on Strava. Any Derby Cycling Group members who are also Strava users are welcome to join the club by visiting www.strava.com/clubs/derbycyclinggroup This could be a useful way of capturing data on the most popular cycling routes in Derby although I am aware that most cyclists… Continue reading Strava Club
New Cyclepath in Darley Fields
As part of the ongoing work for the new flood defences (Our City, Our River), a small stretch of new cyclepath has been laid in Darley Fields and looks very good quality. It is still fenced off at the moment but seems to be an excellent tarmac surface. The new route (only 50-100m) runs from… Continue reading New Cyclepath in Darley Fields
Park Bikeworks
Whilst there has been a lot of local coverage in the press about the closure of the Park Bikeworks cafe and shop, it is perhaps not realised that the free bike parking and showers are still open for all. Full details of the facilities available by emailing parkbikeworks@gmail.com
New Study on the Benefits of Cycling
The Department for Transport have published a new study examining the various different benefits that cycling can provide. The review found that existing methods of appraisal do not incorporate the full extent of economic benefits associated with cycling. The review found these potential benefits: economic growth can result from high density, cycle friendly urban design… Continue reading New Study on the Benefits of Cycling
Road Safety Improvements at Littleover
For many years, Pastures Hill at Littleover has been a dangerous place for cyclists, having a series of bollards along the centre of the road coupled with a 40 mph speed limit. The bollards were pinch points where cyclists were put in danger by impatient car drivers overtaking them at the bollards. To their credit… Continue reading Road Safety Improvements at Littleover
Canal Path Closed: Sinfin Moor Lane to A50
The Canal Path (NCN6) will be closed for six weeks starting this week between Sinfin Moor Lane and the A50 underpass with a diversion in place. Part of that diversion, between Holmeleigh Way and the A50 underpass, is likely to be highly unsatisfactory, as it was last time this diversion was used. If anybody has… Continue reading Canal Path Closed: Sinfin Moor Lane to A50
Where to cycle?
With longer days and warmer weather in prospect you will be keen to get out on your bike, but where to go? Check out “Two Wheels and a Camera” for details of local (mainly off-road) rides and also some further afield which are but a short train ride away. You bike goes for free on… Continue reading Where to cycle?
Derbyshire Cycling Plan launch at Derby Arena
Derby Cycling Group will be attending and exhibiting at the launch of the Derbyshire Cycling Plan at Derby Arena on Tuesday 19th January. If you are attending please come along and say hello. A report on the event in the Derby Telegraph The plan Excellent goal in the plan of “Derbyshire to be the most… Continue reading Derbyshire Cycling Plan launch at Derby Arena
Vigorous and Rigorous About Cycling in Derby
Derby City Council needs to be more vigorous and rigorous about developing a better cycling network which encourages more people to cycle more often. Derby city councillors are pivotal in enabling that vigour and rigour. COUNCILLOR MEETINGS WITH DCG: This week, DCG has invited the councillor who leads each of the political parties represented on… Continue reading Vigorous and Rigorous About Cycling in Derby