Part of the Breadsall Greenway (NCN 672), on the “new” section between Brookside Road and Lime Lane, has suffered from water damage for a number of years.

This has previously been patched up by the Derbyshire County Council Countryside Service but I’m pleased to report that the problem has now had a permanent fix applied by being relaid using tarmac.
While the crushed stone surfacing is perfectly adequate for flattish cycle routes it isn’t suitable for steeper areas where there is likely to be running water and where the surface is quickly destroyed as gullies form. Similar problems have occurred on the Riverside Path where, while not being steep, the river water has run across and destroyed the route during periods of flood.
The Breadsall problems were also made worse by the water eroding the path surface next to a concrete section (for use by farm traffic) and which resulted in a dangerous lip in the path surface. The tarmac has now filled in this gap and the result is a much safer section of the NCN.

Well done again to the Derbyshire County Council Countryside Service who are responsible for the Breadsall and Mickleover Greenways in the Derby area.