Derby Politicians and Cycle Transport: How do they stack up?

For anyone who drives in Derby’s rush hour, or is concerned at the many health issues caused by increasingly sedentary life styles, getting more people to travel by bicycle is one way to alleviate some of the problems associated with both. But in Derby the cycle network is very disjointed and does not encourage people… Continue reading Derby Politicians and Cycle Transport: How do they stack up?

Derby’s Velodrome is Here

It’s here. Derby has a velodrome. Derby Arena is a spectacular and beautiful building inside, and iconic and eye catching outside. Congratulations to everyone involved in the concept, design, and building of this place. Derby Cycling Group hopes it will live up to all the expectations and delivers cycle sporting heroes, gets thousands of people… Continue reading Derby’s Velodrome is Here

Happy New Year 2015

Happy New Year to all cyclists and would-be cyclists in Derby and the surrounding area.  What will 2015 bring for us this year? We hope, with your help and support, that our councillors and MPs can be persuaded to create policies which enable more cycling for everyday transport in the city and it’s locality. Derby… Continue reading Happy New Year 2015

Three Councillors Signed Up for Space for Cycling

It is a slow start, but now three of the 51 councillors in Derby have signed up to the Space for Cycling campaign. Please encourage more to do so by writing to them using the link below or going to your neighbourhood forum and asking them to support more and safer cycling in Derby.

Space4Cycling in Derby

Derby Cycling Group has just written to all Derby City Councillors, explaining what Space for Cycling is about and asking them to sign up to make better cycle provision in the city. Read our letter below: Dear Councillor, Cycling has a great part to play in the transportation and economic future of Derby but it’s… Continue reading Space4Cycling in Derby

Changing Places Day

A great event on Wednesday 30th October, 10:30am to 3:00pm with an emphasis on making HGV drivers and cyclists more aware of one another. Lots of events and cycling related stalls in the shadow of the new velodrome on Pride Park. Cycle there, ride on a pop-up velodrome or watch the off-road show; sit in… Continue reading Changing Places Day