The Canal Path (NCN6) will be closed for six weeks starting this week between Sinfin Moor Lane and the A50 underpass with a diversion in place. Part of that diversion, between Holmeleigh Way and the A50 underpass, is likely to be highly unsatisfactory, as it was last time this diversion was used. If anybody has any issues here, please contact with details and photos if possible.
A map of the diversion can be found using this link:
I have spoken with the contracting supervisor who tells me the work is for constructing drainage. I asked why they could not close the path whilst work was immediately on going, the reply was that they could not determine the exact programme and did not wish to interrupt work whilst they closed the path – essentially it is for the convenience of the contractor not the safety of people using the path. I now am diverting along the cycle route 68 to Sinfin Moor though the surface of the route is shocking in places. I will write to DCC as I have on previous occasions and yet again remind them they are not complying with the Equality Act in relation to making reasonable adjustments for disabled persons. The notice period on route 6 was again inadequate with signs going up on the day of closure.
Just thought I’d drop you some observations on the closure of the above and resulting diversion. We were on a day out cycling from Littleover to join the Clod TrailThe signage in particular is dreadful with insufficient signs indicating the correct route. The signage that is in place is not pointing in appropriate directions leaving cyclists to figure out the correct route of the detour. The signage is absent completely at the south eastern end of Holmeleigh Way / Crown Way roundabout which mean’t on our southbound trip we ended up following the road route over the A50 / A5132 to join the canal to Swarkestone lock.
On the return journey we followed the route north from Swarkestone lock and came upon the path closure just beyond the A50 underpass. The fences had all been collapsed and the to all intents and purposes the route appeared open however we we’re fortunate to meet someone who explained that the route was indeed still closed. We followed the diversion sign which took us to a ridiculously narrow bridge which wasn’t wide enough to allow my bike and panniers through. I ended up having to remove my panniers and carry both mine and my wife’s bikes over the bridge separately. This is a really poor alternative route and makes the route almost impossible for long distance cyclists who may be equipped with camping gear etc and for families to follow especially with the road route following the A5132 down to the canal being dangerous for younger riders.
The fact that the closure coincides with the Easter holiday; a time when families are out enjoying the break with their children is a case of extremely poor forward planning. I find it extremely hard to believe that given a little more thought and effort that a more suitable diversion couldn’t have been organised at the Holmeleigh Way / New Bypass junction. This smacks of nobody could be bothered to create a decent alternative route for cyclists. Given the current trend to encourage more sustainable forms of transport and that these development works have effectively blocked a section of Roue 6 on the National Cycle network this is not a good advert for Derby.