The police provide data on crime and the information has been analysed to explore Bicycle Theft within Derby City.
There seem to be a small number of hotspots for bicycle crime in the city centre and these have remained fairly consistent over the last 3 years.
A small minority of bicycle crime results in the identification of an offender and an even smaller minority result in any significant punishment.
It is important that the Police focus on reducing the unacceptable level of cycle crime in the city and that, where offenders are identified, focus is put on a successful prosecution and a sentence that can act as a deterrent to future crime.
For cycle travel into the City Centre it is important that people are confident that they can securely leave their cycle whilst visiting shops, etc. Secure parking facilities are desperately required for cycling to be accepted as a widely used method of visiting the city.
More detailed analysis, further maps and detailed data can be found here.