Derby Cycling Group have had enough of city council departments and new projects failing to deliver even the most basic facilities for cyclists. Our Space for Cycling campaign wants to get Derby City Councillors to recognise…
- The benefits that cycling can bring to Derby and it’s citizens,
- That much more must be done to make cycling a really attractive means of transport for everyone in the city
- To create policies that will deliver a cycle network worthy of the name.
- To get the city council to deliver real changes to enable more people to cycle more often and more safely
You can help in this campaign by writing to, e-mailing, phoning and talking to your local councillors and making the case for more Space for Cycling.
The materials below are there to inform and assist you with your own campaigning in order to help us to achieve these goals:
DCG Space for Cycling Information Sheet
Link to CTC, National, Space for Cycling page
Letters Derby Cycling Group have written to city councillors: They know what we want and why:
Letter 1 – Space for Cycling in Derby
Letter 2 – Why Space for Cycling is Needed?
Letter 3 – What Councillors Can Do for Cycle Transport
Letter 4 – A Guide for Local Decision Makers
PDF of Guide for Local Decision Makers
PRESENTATION to PARTY LEADERS: We invited the leaders of the four political parties on Derby City Council to face to face meetings with us so we could present to them the issues facing cyclists in Derby, how we think these can be overcome and the benefits for councillors from supporting our campaign. See for yourself what we said by watching
Council Leaders Presentation (unfortunately only Powerpoint).
We asked them to sign our Space for Cycling Pledge What happened? To see councillor’s responses to our campaign, look at the Current Political Response
So what do Matthew Holmes and Ranjit Banwait – both regular everyday, urban cyclists – have against supporting Space for Cycling? Maybe you can ask them yourself? Ask them to sign our pledge at : Councillors Pledges
PETITION: To support our campaign with councillors, we have set up a petition. The details for it can be read here Petition 1 Header . You can sign it here: DCG Space for Cycling Petition Please do!
RIDE: Our first campaign, to enable ordinary cyclists and would be cyclists to demonstrate their desire for better cycling conditions in Derby will be held on Saturday 1st October 2016 at 11:00 outside the Council House on Corporation Street