The Times newspaper is running a campaign to make cities more safe for cycling which the DCG supports. You can find more details on the campaign and ways to join in at this link
British Cycling Ride Leader Training in Leicester – March 10th
A few places remain for the planned British Cycling Ride Leader Training on Saturday 10th March. Training takes place at the new Wellington Street Cycle Training Hub (Former Central lending Library on Wellington St) in Leicester. An opportunity to join the British Cycling team in the 2012 Olympic Year – Paid and Voluntary work is available for people… Continue reading British Cycling Ride Leader Training in Leicester – March 10th
Support £5million Sustainable Transport Bid
Derby City Council are bidding for £5 million of funding from the Department for Transport for developments in sustainable travel. To help secure the funding, the project needs letters of support from the people of Derby and from businesses which operate there. Please write today to Rachel Harvey at the address below to express your… Continue reading Support £5million Sustainable Transport Bid
Support the Derby Multi Sports Arena including the Velodrome and Closed Road Cycle Circuit
Deadline: Wed 8th February 2012 The new Derby Multi Sports Arena will be next to Pride Park Stadium and will include a 250m indoor Velodrome and a 1.5km closed road circuit; it is absolutely stunning, inside and out and will be a great local and national attraction. see the inside and the outside These facilities… Continue reading Support the Derby Multi Sports Arena including the Velodrome and Closed Road Cycle Circuit
Think twICE – cycling in cold conditions
There is a campaign based in Bristol by LifeCycle to raise awareness of the issues of cycling in icy weather. The aim of the campaign is to highlight the hazards of cycling in icy conditions and to offer information and resources to help cyclists make informed decisions. There are different solutions for the different situations… Continue reading Think twICE – cycling in cold conditions
Velodrome – Fantastic
On Wednesday evening I saw plans for the new Derby Multi Sports Arena, which incorporates a Velodrome, a sports hall big enough for 12 badminton courts, a 125 item gym, and outside a 1.5km closed cycle road circuit. It is absolutely fantastic. The sports hall is below the velodrome, but the velodrome is open in… Continue reading Velodrome – Fantastic
Since you can now buy a new inner tube in the Pound Shop for (guess what?) ……… £1, is it worth repairing punctured inner tubes any longer?
European Platform on Mobility Management
There appears to be a lot of useful information on the mix of transport types used in various cities across the UK and Europe (with a few others worldwide) which is documented at In particular there is a map based interface that lets you compare various cities. Derby isn’t included although Nottingham and Leicester… Continue reading European Platform on Mobility Management
Disability Cycling
A guide to Disability cycling has been published by Get Cycling and can be downloaded from here The “Bikes not Barriers” website can be accessed here
20’s Plenty for Us campaign for speed restrictions
There is a strong campaign in many parts of the country to persuade local authorities to lower speed limits in residential areas. Take a look at the Twenty’s Plenty web site.