New cycling offences: Government plans and consultation

New cycling offences: causing death or serious injury when cycling In August 2018 the Government announced the consultation Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy safety review: proposal for new cycling offences. To address the few high profile incidents of cyclist causing the death of pedestrian, the Government propose to introduce new offences for causing death or… Continue reading New cycling offences: Government plans and consultation

Derby Air Quality consultation

Derby City Council in currently in the process of consulting on their proposals to meet their legal requirements for air quality in Derby. The Derby Cycling Group have provided the following response to the consultation. Members are also encouraged to provide their own feedback. We are writing from Derby Cycling Group in response to the… Continue reading Derby Air Quality consultation

St Peters Street and Cornmarket – Cycle Access 5pm to 10am

At Derby Cycling Group we have argued for many years that banning responsible cycling in the city centre suppresses the number of everyday journeys made by bike in Derby, because the north/south route through the city centre is the most direct one to get many people from where they live to where they work, and… Continue reading St Peters Street and Cornmarket – Cycle Access 5pm to 10am

Free cycle stands for organisations in Derby

Life Cycle Derby are offering free cycle stands for businesses, voluntary sector groups, churches, pubs, surgeries etc. in Derby. Only cost is for installation. Visit here for more information and to apply.

Manchester vision for cycling recommended as Christmas reading

Manchester’s Cycling and Walking Commissioner (Chris Boardman) has published his thoughts on what is needed to transform Manchester’s cycling and walking environment. As someone who generally talks a lot of sense (i.e. I agree with most of what he says!) Chris’ report is worth a read. Download the report here. Only 17 pages with lots… Continue reading Manchester vision for cycling recommended as Christmas reading

Comment on the Derbyshire cycle network plans

You have the opportunity to influence the extent and shape of the cycle network in Derbyshire as Derbyshire Council and Active Derbyshire work towards their goal of making Derbyshire the most connected county for cycling in England. Councils around the country are currently defining what they would like their local cycle network to look like… Continue reading Comment on the Derbyshire cycle network plans

Support City Centre Cycle Route: Mercian Way, Abbey Street, Curzon Street

  A new cycle route and pedestrian improvements are planned by Derby City Council between Mercian Way and Curzon Street. They will make this area much more accommodating for cycling and walking. There is one big change that DCG have asked the designers to make but we urge you to use the link below to… Continue reading Support City Centre Cycle Route: Mercian Way, Abbey Street, Curzon Street