We have now printed off the 722 signatures from the Save Derby Velodrome online petition ready to hand to councillor Martin Repton on Monday 28th May. We also have 61 additional paper signatories from the market place rally, giving a total of 783 people who have signed to support the multi sports arena incorporating a… Continue reading Save Derby Velodrome Petition – 783 signatures
Author: TonyR
Save Derby Velodrome
Derby Cycling Group and Derby Mercury Cycle Club send a huge thank you to everyone of the thousands of people who have expressed support for the Derby Multi Sports Arena incorporating the velodrome and concert space. A lot of support has come from non-cyclists because this is not just a cycling project. We invite… Continue reading Save Derby Velodrome
Derby Politicians and Cycling: How do they stack up?
Derby Cycling Group asked all six of the political parties what their policies are regarding cycling ahead of the council elections on May 3rd. This is how we think they faired, in the order in which we have received the feedback (to be updated as more information comes in): 1. Labour We received a copy… Continue reading Derby Politicians and Cycling: How do they stack up?
Feedback from Political Parties: April 2012
Below is the full text of the correspondence we have received from each political party which is taking part in Derby City Council elections on 3rd May 2012, in response to a request by Derby Cycling Group for information on their cycling policies. Please be aware that the views expressed are those of the party… Continue reading Feedback from Political Parties: April 2012
Party Policies on Cycling
Derby’s councillors have shown vision and aspiration with their approval for the reworking of the Council House, but do they have the same vision when it comes to a mode of transport that can transform the lives of Derby’s citizens, making them fitter and more healthy, and saving them money while also being enjoyable and… Continue reading Party Policies on Cycling
Support £5million Sustainable Transport Bid
Derby City Council are bidding for £5 million of funding from the Department for Transport for developments in sustainable travel. To help secure the funding, the project needs letters of support from the people of Derby and from businesses which operate there. Please write today to Rachel Harvey at the address below to express your… Continue reading Support £5million Sustainable Transport Bid
Velodrome – Fantastic
On Wednesday evening I saw plans for the new Derby Multi Sports Arena, which incorporates a Velodrome, a sports hall big enough for 12 badminton courts, a 125 item gym, and outside a 1.5km closed cycle road circuit. It is absolutely fantastic. The sports hall is below the velodrome, but the velodrome is open in… Continue reading Velodrome – Fantastic