The latest meeting of the East Midlands Cycle Forum was held in Derby on the 22nd June 2019 and was well attended with approx 50 people from across the Midlands including representatives from Cambridge, Sheffield, Nottingham, Bolsover, Chesterfield, Lincoln, Leicester and elsewhere.
The keynote speech from Phil Jones, chairman of Phil Jones & Associates, was very well received. The slides can be seen here.
Andrew Saffrey gave us an insight into the way that Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans are being put together including the local one for the D2N2 area.
There were then short updates from the various campaigning groups represented which was very well controlled by the chair, Dave Clasby, to ensure all had a fair chance to speak and all concentrated on just the key things to share.
After a good quality buffet lunch provided by the venue, some of the attendees visited the local Bike Back bike recycling charity, the Derby Arena velodrome, and the national standard BMX track.
Thanks are due to Dave Clasby for his efforts in organising the event and getting commitment from the various speakers, as well as all the members of Derby Cycling Group who supported the event.