Derby Cycling Group have again written to DEFRA objecting to the removal of the cycle lane, shown here, on Friar Gate. We also object to the suppression of the amount of support for cycle transport which is expressed within the Clean Air Strategy consultation process, and we rebuff DEFRA’s excuses for why removing the cycle lane “is OK”.
DCG Open Letter to DEFRA regarding Derby Local Air Quality Plan Full Business Case
Please write again, yourself, to object to the removal of the Friar Gate cycle lane as part of Derby’s Clean Air Strategy.
Use your own story and maybe back it up with information from our letter and our two website posts below:
Friar Gate Cycle Lanes are Misrepresented by DEFRA
Friar Gate Cycle Lanes are Misrepresented by City Council
- Write to DEFRA (FAO Therese Coffey MP)
- Copy the minister responsible for Air Quality:
- Subject: Derby Local Air Quality Plan – Objection to Removal of Friar Gate Cycle Lane
Note that MPs can only respond to their own constituents, but they will be aware of other correspondence as well.