Happy New Year to all cyclists and would-be cyclists in Derby and the surrounding area. What will 2015 bring for us this year? We hope, with your help and support, that our councillors and MPs can be persuaded to create policies which enable more cycling for everyday transport in the city and it’s locality. Derby is a small, pale orange dot on the map on the left because 6% of our councillors (ie 3 of them) support the Space for Cycling campaign. We want you to tell your councillors to support it, so we can turn the map yellow then green, as in Leicester and Nottingham. And what about Derbyshire too – only 3 of them, 5% of councillors, have signed up, despite the high profile “Peak Cycle Links” and “Pedal Peak” projects.
The first step to get your councillor’s attention is to write a letter to them and send it using the online tool at this link .
Need to find out what to write about? Need more information? Want to know what Space for Cycling is all about? Find it all in Derby Cycling Group’s “Space for Cycling Information Sheet” which is attached here: DCG S4C Info Sheet and on the Space4cycling tag on the right hand side of this page.