It is our very great pleasure to announce that Martin Rawson, the deputy leader of Derby City council has signed our Space for Cycling pledge – agreeing with us that more needs to be done to improve cycle transport in the city. Derby is a city which is very much suited to cycling and very many more people would cycle if the cycle network was more connected and of a better quality. At the moment it is unfortunate that too many people say and believe it is too dangerous to cycle on the road. At DCG we don’t believe this is true, but the road often feels like a hostile place, especially to inexperienced riders or to people considering whether to start cycling and that stops people cycling.
We look forward to working with Martin to help make things better for everyone who wants to make everyday journeys by bike. Our aim is to get full, cross-party, support for our Space for Cycling campaign. So far UKIP, Liberal Democrat and Labour members have signed our pledge. We look forward to Conservative members joining them and completing the picture so we can start developing new strategies and projects with the certainty that they will have long term political support.