Each year at the AGM in May, the Derby Cycling Group likes to recognise individuals or organisations that have significantly contributed towards improving cycling in the Derby area over the previous year. Award winners from previous years can be seen here and here.
Category: Uncategorized
Could this be the Derby Model (minus the sunshine)
Watch this video
Chris Boardman is a great ambassador for cycling, and his video on cycling in the Netherlands shows what can be done for cycling when politicians can be persuaded to see the benefits of making the local infrastructure more suitable for sustainable transport. Click HERE to see it. Sorry about the preceding commercial.
Where do cyclists cycle in Derby?
One source of data for “which routes do cyclists use” is the Strava data collected for all the users of Strava. Whilst the data cannot be taken as typical of all cycle users in Derby, the results are interesting in showing some of the most popular routes. Note that the data is only up to… Continue reading Where do cyclists cycle in Derby?
New member benefit – Discount at Big on Bikes
Another cycle business is offering a discount to DCG members on production of a valid membership card. David Howard and his trained staff at Big on Bikes carry out repairs and servicing of bikes as well as having experience in the delivery of Bikeability courses for schools and voluntary organisations The discount given is 15%… Continue reading New member benefit – Discount at Big on Bikes
Alvaston Park – proposal for barriers
A proposal has been made (championed by Councillor Mark Tittley) to install barriers at a number of the access points to Alvaston Park to address problems of motorbikes and mopeds being ridden on the cycleways. Further details on the proposals here. The Cycling Group have objected to these proposals as being inappropriate and likely to… Continue reading Alvaston Park – proposal for barriers
Leading Businesses call on Chancellor to Invest in Cycling
Various business leaders have written an open letter to the chancellor asking him to deliver on the promises that Cameron and others made prior to the election. Click here to see the letter
Congratulations to Nottingham on obtaining cycle funding
Nottingham City Council has secured £6.1 million from the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) process to invest in and kick start an overhaul of Nottingham’s cycle facilities. The funding is for 2 years starting in April 2015 through to March 2017. Let’s see Derby City Council try and match our neighbours. The presence of the… Continue reading Congratulations to Nottingham on obtaining cycle funding
Members – check you’re on the mailing list
We find we have a lot of members who we haven’t got email addresses for and thus cannot send them the electronic newsletters and other information. If you’re a member and didn’t receive an email in the last month about the last newsletter, we probably don’t have your email address (or have an old one).… Continue reading Members – check you’re on the mailing list
Derwent Valley Cycleway news
The latest newsletter from the Derwent Valley Cycleway working group has just been published. You can access it (and previous newsletters) here. If you’d like to be added to the mailing list for the newsletter then visit this page.