A38 Junctions

Last Update: August 2022

National Highways (previously named Highways England) planned to start work on the replacement of the A38 roundabouts to the north and west of Derby with flyovers in 2021 with work continuing to 2024. However, some legal issues with gaining Government permission to proceed have caused delays but it is expected that work will now start later in 2022 (subject to the necessary permissions).

As has been shown elsewhere, increasing road capacity just leads to increased traffic and, thus, Derby Cycling Group object to the overall project.

Given that the work is likely to proceed, we expect travel around the north and west of Derby to be massively impacted during the build phase and expect local roads to be choked with traffic trying to avoid the A38 roadworks. Whilst considering cycling as an alternative to using the car will be an excellent way of reducing congestion, we expect the lack of suitable cycle facilities and the increased local traffic to inhibit people from trying cycling.

We are discussing with National Highways and the City Council as to how best to mitigate the expected congestion and to encourage people to consider using cycle transport in preference to long periods stuck in traffic queues.

We have suggested improvements to the Highways England plans and have also encouraged members to provide their input. Also see here and here.

If you have any comments or want to get more involved with this project then please contact Tony Roelich