Closed Cycle Circuit – your support is needed

KitchenerThe planning application for the proposed Closed Cycle Circuit beside the Multi-Sports Arena in Pride Park is currently under consideration and, to maximise the chances of a positive outcome, it is important that as many people as possible add their support.  The online consultation period has now ended but, until the 3rd Feb (5pm), you can send your comments and expressions of support to

You can see details of the application by visiting and then searching for the application number 12/13/01465. You can then follow the “link to more details” link and then review the (many) planning documents.

Whilst a lot of publicity about the Closed Cycle Circuit has focused on its use by competitive road cyclists, it should be noted that many other uses are also planned. The planning documents say that “It is anticipated that the proposed CCCT will be used for British Cycling events, cycling clubs and groups, schools and individuals with the track hosting a mix of training and coaching events, competitions and open access days. Public ‘taster ’and training sessions will be available for all ages and skills whilst local clubs/groups will be able to arrange recurring weekly sessions for members. Whilst the facility will predominantly function as a cycling track, opportunities for other sporting uses such as road running athletes, wheelchair users/teams, walkers, joggers, in-line skaters and any similar non-motorised sporting users will also be explored.”

The Closed Cycle Circuit will be an excellent addition to the city’s cycling facilities and, amongst other benefits, will be a great resource for novice and young cyclists to gain experience in a safe environment before venturing onto the roads. This then leads to greater take-up of cycling in Derby with us all reaping the benefits to health, transport congestion, pollution, etc. that cycling provides.

Please find the time to send your comments on the planning application. Note the deadline of 3rd February 2014 for emails and letters directly to the council at


  1. Thanks for the support from people leaving comments. However, whilst appreciated, it is essential to register your support with the council’s planning pages for it to “count” in the planning process.

  2. I totally support – cycling has exploded in the UK, and with the worlds best cycling coach Dave Brailsford being a local lad and Nottingham having such a strong heritage with cycling, we should firmly put Nottingham back on the map with a facility that everyone can use to continually grow the sport.

  3. Thanks again for all the comments supporting the circuit. However, unless that support is registered on the Derby City Planning website, the support won’t “count” in the planning procedures. Please try and find the time to register your support on the website.

  4. I would like to add support to the proposed cycle track but there is no “Neighbour comment form” that I can see on the council website planning application in the consultation section. Am I to late or am I doing this wrong?

  5. Oh…I have just spotted the deadline for consultation on the right of this page. I very much hope that this development goes ahead. I used the Preston Arena circuit, in Lancashire, when it first opened and it was a fantastic facility. My feeling toward the needs of the nature reserve is sympathetic. However, I really do think that the cycle track is a development that will not have a major impact on the bird life. The birds and nature of the area is a lot tougher than we might like to think and the cycle sport community is not the monster of noise and devastation that it is being made out to be. I believe that the nature reserve and the cycle track can actually get on very well together.

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