Mickleover Makeover

The local Councillors for Mickleover Ward have posted an update on new pedestrian crossings and trial speed reductions from 40mph to 30mph.


Back in 2018, as part of the planning process for a new development to the east of Station Road, funding was secured from developers for a new signal-controlled pedestrian crossings in Mickleover Ward.

Now a commitment from Derby City highways officers has been secured to deliver new pedestrian crossings at:

? Station Road (near the cycle route entrance)

? Brierfield / Headingham Way / The Hollow junction.

? Ladybank Road near Silverhill shops & school

According to the Councillors’ post, Station Road and Brierfield Way crossings are now undergoing design for delivery in the forthcoming financial year, which starts on April 6th.

Crossing of Brierfield Way – Looking East

We note that “pedestrian” crossings are proposed – Derby Cycling Group has sent a response to the local Councillors to ensure that provision for cycling is included, particularly across Station Road as it will form a new link through the new housing development to the Mickleover Cycleway (NCN Route 54). We touched on the subject of the new cycle route in our Mickleover investigation ride in the summer of 2023.

Station Road – Looking North

Due to its prominent location, we have pushed for a single-phase signal-controlled parallel crossing here that is situated directly opposite where the new cycle crossing meets the main road.

Part of the space occupied by the large bell-mouth entrance down to the Mickleover cycleway could be reallocated for a crossing. The staggered barriers (to the right of the photo from the new development) have since been relocated.

Signal-controlled Parallel Crossing

Ladybank / Silverhill is currently programmed for design and delivery next year.

Crossing of Ladybank Road – Looking South

Speed Reduction

A speed reduction trial (30mph) for Uttoxeter Road has also been confirmed. The Ward councillors have asked council officers to also look into reducing the top of Station Road to 30mph coupled with a new pavement linking to Radbourne Lane.

This is a sensible approach as both roads are residential and the journey-time saving benefits of doing 40mph vs 30mph are trivial.

We will keep an eye out for any plans regarding the new pavement and push for inclusion of cycle provision.

Open Letter

We have written to the Mickleover Ward Councillors and copied in Sustrans and a couple of other interested parties – The full letter can be downloaded by clicking on the image below:

Councillor Matthew Holmes has responded and has kindly forwarded on our letter to Derby City Council’s Head of Traffic and Transport. We hope to have some positive engagement with him and be involved with the design.

If you have any questions or queries for the Mickleover Ward Councillors regarding the proposed crossings and speed reduction trials, please send an email to email@mickleovercouncillors.co.uk