What sort of cycle parking should we have?

When the Aldi store on Uttoxeter New Road opposite the Royal Derby Hospital was extended last year the cycle parking was changed.

The cycle parking at Aldi by the Royal Derby Hospital

The new scheme means that the parking is nearer to the main door, and it has been given a cover.  We are going up in the world!

I ride a Brompton and use a D-lock and find the ‘wheel clamp stands’ as installed difficult to use effectively.  I prefer a ‘Sheffield’ type large stand to lean the cycle against and lock my frame to.

When I raised this with the planning department, I was shown a picture of the installation agreed between Aldi’s agents and the council.  It showed the roofed structure and a row of Sheffield stands.  The agent then agreed to talk to Aldi about replacing some of the wheel clamp stands with Sheffield ones.

This was last year.

I’ve now been told that, as the cycle parking is well-sited, covered and well-used, it is not ‘expedient’ to ask for any changes.  What’s your view?

I see more cycles locked to the supports at the ends of the shelter than using the wheel clamp stands, so it’s not just me!

If you use this store and think a mix of Sheffield stands  and wheel clamp stands – or even just Sheffield stands – is worth fighting for, please email the planning officer, Julia Stewart at Derby City Council with your view:   julia.stewart@derby.gov.uk

Thank you.

By LucyC

I have been a regular cyclist from childhood and still choose to cycle for most journeys around Derby for speed and convenience, though I do also drive or walk (or catch theh bus) on occasion. I was treasurer and newsletter editor for Derby Cycling Group in the early 1990s, and then spent 17 years as an elected councillor on the County and then City Councils. This period included four years as the Cabinet Member with responsbility for transport. I also stood for parliament in 2005 and 2010 and am a chartered engineer.

One comment

  1. Totally agree Lucy. The old stands at Aldi were great, but you could often not get to them because of merchandise stacked up in front. They seem to be keeping the area clearer now, the covered area is great, but the stands are terrible; they are difficult to fasten a bike to properly and securely and risk bending a wheel if your bike is knocked by somebody using an adjacent stand. I will be contacting Julia and Aldi.

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