Derby City Council is proposing a high quality, segregated cycle lane along Ascot Drive and are asking for comments via a survey. Please do the survey and give feedback to enable a really good route to be created here, but also make sure they know that cyclists want really good routes to cover all the major roads in Derby.
Closing date: Tuesday 15th November.
I don’t use Ascot Drive as a commuting route, but I do from time to time use my bike to go to businesses along that road, so I support this idea, despite the off-road Canal Path running parallel and close to Ascot Drive. So long as the new route is good quality, giving cyclists travelling along the road the right of way at all side roads and site entrances, I would use any such cycle lane or path where provided. I use Mercian Way on the new inner ring road, where the off-road path is a much more pleasant, relaxing ride than going on the road its self and just as convenient.
The final survey question asks for your comments on provision of more segregated cycle lanes in Derby; that is your chance to make the point that every major road needs dedicated, safe, space for cyclists if the city is to enable more cycling, thus reducing congestion and traffic pollution.
I understand the Ascot Drive cycle lane will be part of a new cycle route linking the Riverside Path near the Velodrome, with Infinity Park, via Wilmorton Link, Ascot Drive, Campbell St, Moor Lane and Wilmore Road.
Ascot Drive Segregated Cycle Lane – Survey
If you wish DCG to hear your comments as well, please e-mail campaigns@derbycyclinggroup.org.uk, or put a comment on our Facebook item about the plan.
What a waste of time and money! What is the sense of this when you have a completely segregated cycle path along the canal, close and parallel to Ascot Drive. Has somebody lost control of their reason and senses? Rubbish.
Hi John. Many thanks for your feedback. I agree that the location is not what I would regard as the location which requires this the most. However, there are a lot of people who work along and off Ascot Drive, so there are plenty of destinations which a quality, segregated route, would serve. If you are travelling through the area you would use the canal path (I made exactly that point in my survey response). Also, if we had a city where this kind of facility was part of a fully interconnected cycle network, such a scheme would be very worthwhile. I think it would be helpful overall if we can be positive in the survey about the type of provision, whilst raising concerns, but also maximise the opportunity presented by the last question of the survey – go to town with your aspirations what a proper cycling city would look like to encourage those who review these things to take note (copy DCG if you like as well). Cycling has suffered before when cyclists disagreed about what they wanted; we do need to try to look at the big picture and take every positive we can. Be assured I am working hard to make the points you and I have raised here are heard by councillors and council officers whilst trying to enable then to deliver the meagre offerings they are coming up with at the moment.
Best wishes