Local authorities have been awarded 1.1bn to spend on local roads by chancellor Philip Hammond.
Derby Cycling Group urge Derby City Council to allocate their share of these funds to make a difference to all road users in Derby. Congestion, potholes and pollution are all caused by the number of cars on our roads. Cars are here to stay, but congestion, potholes and pollution can all be improved by enabling more people to travel around the city without a car. We urge that a proportion of Derby’s funding is used to enable more people to cycle for local journeys, thus reducing road congestion, potholes and pollution. There are a large number of people in Derby who would like to cycle because it will make them fitter and more healthy, or to save money, or for environmental reasons, but who don’t cycle because they find the road environment, in their eyes, too hazardous. We urge the leaders of all political parties on the city council to support these people by making Derby’s road network better able to support those people who want to cycle as well as those who want to drive.