Infinity Park Link road – very good cycling facilities

The recently opened Infinity Park link road includes some very good provisions for cycling and the contractors / Derby City Council should be congratulated on their work. Each side of the road has a wide cycling / pedestrian path and the crossings over the road for

Infinity Way - excellent wide cycle routes on both sides of the road.
Infinity Way – excellent wide cycle routes on both sides of the road.

existing cycle routes (e.g. Sinfin Moor Lane and Route 6 – Derby Canal path) are well constructed and controlled by traffic lights.

No doubt there are small improvements that could be made but if all the roads in Derby had this level of cycling provision (and were properly linked) we’d be in a much better situation.

We’re not slow to criticise when inadequate facilities are put in place so it’s only fair to give praise when praise is due.

Well done to the contractors and the City Council.

By IanD

I am a regular cyclist and long term member of the DCG, although only active in the last 3 years. I've always enjoyed leisure cycling and have also commuted by cycle when my job has allowed. I am now a regular commuter by bike and bus. Previously undertook membership secretary and newsletter editor roles for the DCG and am now webmaster and treasurer.

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