Government reported road casualties

The Government has released figures on road casualties for the period up to 2012. Generally casualties are reducing apart from for pedal cyclists.

The report and associated tables can be found here

A summary table from the report (below) shows increased numbers of pedal cyclists killed or seriously injured (KSI) over last year and over the average for the previous 5 years. This is partially (but not wholly) offset by the fact that more miles of travelling are done by cycle.


2012 Percentage
Number change over:
2005-09 2005-09
average 2011 2012 2010 average


Pedal cyclists
   Fatalities 130 107 118 10 -9
   Seriously injured 2,398 3,085 3,222 4 34
   Slightly injured 13,934 16,023 15,751 -2 13
Total 16,463 19,215 19,091 -1 16
   Child (0-15) KSI 485 398 324 -19 -33
   Adult (16+) KSI 2,001 2,750 2,976 8 49
Pedal cycle traffic (billion vehicle miles) 2.8 3.1 3.1 1 12

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