Carrying Goods by Cycle

As it currently stands, almost 100% of goods transport within cities is done by motorised vehicles, ranging from personal cars to commercial lorries. Light goods are often transported over very short distances by heavy vehicles. Individuals often use their car in the same way, despite the fact that every second trip in urban areas is shorter than 5 km and therefore, could easily be done by bike.

Approximately every one of these second trips involves goods transport. Even if the length of trips and the possibility for trip chains is taken into consideration, this still leaves a potential of 25% of all trips that could be shifted from motorised vehicles towards cycling-related solutions.

A European website has loads of information on what cargo activities can and should be encouraged in cities. Find out more here

One comment

  1. Which of the bicycle shops in Derby display their cargo trailers? I get asked about where to buy a bicycle trailer all the time when I’m out with mine around Derby each week.

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