Help make Derby a more cycle-friendly place

...or more queues of traffic? Now's the time to say!
Do we want more queues of traffic…

Derby City Council is consulting on its ‘preferred option’ for the new Local Plan until just before Christmas.

As Derby is now built almost up to its boundaries, Derby City Council is working with Amber Valley and South Derbyshire Councils to have a coherent plan for the wider area.  This will identify where new homes and businesses will be built for years to come – and what we say now can influence how cycle friendly the new development will be.

Do we want new safe cycle facilities with new development, or...
… or new safe cycle routes? Now’s the time to say!

Developers will be expected to make other investment in the area to help prepare for more people.  If Derby’s Local Plan says that sustainable travel – like walking and cycling – is the priority, then it will be more likely that changes will help support these modes rather than more cars.

The Council’s website has details – and I’ve also said more about this on my blog.

Lucy Care

By LucyC

I have been a regular cyclist from childhood and still choose to cycle for most journeys around Derby for speed and convenience, though I do also drive or walk (or catch theh bus) on occasion. I was treasurer and newsletter editor for Derby Cycling Group in the early 1990s, and then spent 17 years as an elected councillor on the County and then City Councils. This period included four years as the Cabinet Member with responsbility for transport. I also stood for parliament in 2005 and 2010 and am a chartered engineer.

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