Party Policies on Cycling

Derby’s councillors have shown vision and aspiration with their approval for the reworking of the Council House, but do they have the same vision when it comes to a mode of transport that can transform the lives of Derby’s citizens, making them fitter and more healthy, and saving them money while also being enjoyable and fun?

We are talking of course about Cycling, and I am preaching to the converted.

However our councillors need converting and below is the letter which DCG has sent to each of the political parties asking for their policies towards cycling. We will let you know what they say.

Our Letter: April, 2012

Derby Cycling Group would like to know what your party’s policies are in relation to cycling in Derby.  Derby Cycling Group is one of the largest local cycling campaign organisations outside London and has regular meetings with the city council.

Cycling is growing in popularity in Derby, the number of children cycling to school has increased dramatically and everywhere you go you see adults travelling by bike, day or night. Derby is a very attractive location to develop the potential of cycling even further and cycling is an answer to many problems within the city:

  • Reducing congestion and pollution
  • Improving people’s health and fitness
  • Reducing the effects of obesity and heart disease
  • Reducing travel costs for individuals and families
  • Benefiting the local economy with a healthier, more productive work force which has more money to spend on things other than petrol or bus fares.

Many more people would like to cycle but don’t because:

  • They think our roads are unsafe due to the density and excessive speed of traffic
  • That there are not enough facilities for cyclists whether they be cycle paths, cycle lanes and cycle stands to keep them safe and their bikes secure, or cycle training to teach them how to ride and to become confident at it.

We would like you to tell us what you would do for cycling and cyclists in Derby so that we can share this information with our members and with others.

Yours Sincerely,

Derby Cycling Group


In the meantime, if you have not done so already, write to them and the other candidates  and ask them what they will do for cycling in your area. Follow the link below to get the contact details of candidates in your area. Use the councillors link to get your councillor’s e-mail addresses.

Candidates :

Councillors :

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