European Platform on Mobility Management

There appears to be a lot of useful information on the mix of transport types used in various cities across the UK and Europe (with a few others worldwide) which is documented at

In particular there is a map based interface that lets you compare various cities. Derby isn’t included although Nottingham and Leicester are. See

Some of the jargon is hard to get through but I think there is probably a lot of useful information here if you make the effort to plough through the jargon.

One question (which I can’t answer) is why Derby isn’t included.

By IanD

I am a regular cyclist and long term member of the DCG, although only active in the last 3 years. I've always enjoyed leisure cycling and have also commuted by cycle when my job has allowed. I am now a regular commuter by bike and bus. Previously undertook membership secretary and newsletter editor roles for the DCG and am now webmaster and treasurer.

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